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History of Technology

What technologies are known to the Old Stone Age People?

Old Stone Age people know how to create fire and control fire.

Fire Hardening wood and stone tools.

What technologies are known to the Middle Stone Age People?

What technologies are known to the New Stone Age People?

As science advanced, the timeline is further divided.

NameWhen the period
started and ended?
What are the important places?What are the important events?
Old Stone Age (Paleolithic)2.5 million years-9600BCE
(till the ice age)
Control of Fire, Cooking, Fire Hardened Tools
Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic)9600BCE to ~7000BCE
(Ice Age to Farming)
Domestication of dogs as hunting Companion
New Stone Age (Neolithic)~9000BCE to ~4000 BCE

(Farming to Copper Age)
Goebekli tepe
Skara Brae
Adoption of Agriculture (Maize & Rice),
Development of Pottery,
Polished stone tools (Grinding, Cutting, Copping),
Complex & larger settlements,
Copper Age4500–3300 BC
Bronze Age3300-1200 BC
Iron Age

What is the rationale behind the three-age system?

The three age system was proposed in 18th century by Nicholas Mahudel. He excavated multi-period burial mounds and he observed Iron tools at the top layers and bronze tools at the deeper layers. So he deduced that stone tools appeared first as they are naturally available, then bronze tools, and then iron tools.

Book: Three Successive Ages of Stone, Bronze, and Iron (1734)

Does the Historical Timeline the same for all geographical regions?

No. Different geographical regions went through the ages at different times.

Some regions started a new age. Then other regions adopted them.

Sometimes, some regions skipped a few ages completely.

What is Copper?

What is the Bronze Age?

Before the Bronze Age, people were using Copper. Bronze Age started around 3300 BCE.

When adding 10-12% of Tin to Copper produced a stronger material than Copper and it is called Bronze. Compared to Copper, Bronze is much harder, more durable, and corrosion-resistant.

People in the Bronze Age produced, traded, or used Bronze.

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