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  • How to reproduce CVE-2021-44228 (Log4J vulnerability), patch it, and validate the fix

    Ethical Hacking: I am explaing this so that more people can understand whats going on and protect them. Please do not harm others. Thought of working on it yesterday night, but I had three important events. Woke up to a nightmare at 4 and could not go back to sleep. Then, I did some video…

  • How to test CPU, Memory and File System Performance using Sysbench

    How to test CPU, Memory and File System Performance using Sysbench

    Sysbecnch is mainly used for testing database performance, but it is a more generic tool. It can also be used to run CPU, Memory, and File System performance tests. In this post, I will give a quick introduction to the tool. The purpose of this post is just to introduce Sysbench commands to the user.…

  • Examples for grep linux command

    Grep command can be used to search for text in a file. GREP: Search for multiple patterns GREP: Ignore specific patterns

  • Introduction to AWS CDK (Using TypeScript)

    This tutorial assumes you have installed and configured AWS CLI and you can execute basic aws-cli commands. You can refer the below links to read more about the AWS CLI: 1. Verify NodeJS is installed 2. Install AWS CDK NPM Module 3. Init the repository 4. Init CDK 5. Generate CloudFormation Template (using cdk Synth)…

  • How to get Linux OS Information using uname command

    To get details about the OS detail and other hardware details, uname command can be used. Get Linux Kernel Name Get the network node host name Get the Kernel Version Get Machine Hardware Name Get Processor Type Get Hardware Platform Get All Details

  • Benefits of using Amazon Linux Container Image

    Recently I started to use Amazon Linux Container Image for all my development and production workloads. And I really love it. It is very easy to get started with containers. Development, testing and release becomes very easy. Except one thing, Security. In this post, I am sharing my experience with Amazon Linux container Image. You can read more…

  • Getting started with Terraform CDK and TypeScript

    In this post, I will do a walkthrough about provisioning AWS resources using Terraform CDK. 1. Install Terraform CDK npm module 2. Initialize your Terraform CDK repository The output will look like this, % cdktf init –template=”typescript” –local Note: By supplying ‘–local’ option you have chosen local storage mode for storing the state of your…

  • AWS Container Registry

    1. Create a repository 2. Getting the Push Commands 3. Login Docker Client Make sure the user has permissions to “ecr:GetAuthorizationToken”. Otherwise you will get the below error – An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation: User: arn:aws:iam::526470662813:user/AWSDba is not authorized to perform: ecr:GetAuthorizationToken on resource: * Copy past the login command. 4.…

Copyright © 2021 Rajan Panneer Selvam. Some of the content is derived from publically available information. For some of the resources I have obtained commercial licenses and you cannot use them in your projects. Before reusing any of the site content, please double-check for copyright issues. I am not responsible if you are infringing copyrights.